
Little Known Facts About ME! - by Chloe

I have great 'bedhead' hair when I wake up in the mornings!
I can kiss my feet...it is a natural talent!
I can dance on tables! Mom said that isn't something to be proud of but whatever, I think it takes balance!
I love to play in my Mommy's car. Ella usually drives. Actually Ella always drives. I still have a blast though!

1 comment:

Monica Chadwell said...

Hey Stephanie -

I love your blog!! Found it through Danyel's, and I'm so glad. This will be a great way to keep in touch.

I'm missing you already!! Thought about you and prayed during the weekend. I hope your move went wonderfully. ;-)

Send me an email some time and let me know your new info. We'll definitely stay connected.

Love you BUNCHES!! Praying God's best for you all.

